
蘭州地鉄麪臨的經營壓力與發展挑戰 2024-05-27













North Automobile Blue Valley Company announced on the evening of September 2 that its subsidiary, North Automobile New Energy, will receive an increase of up to 12 billion yuan. Specifically, North Automobile New Energy plans to increase its capital through the introduction of strategic investors by listing, with an amount not exceeding 10 billion yuan. At the same time, the shareholder Beijing Automobile intends to increase its capital to North Automobile New Energy by 2 billion yuan. This move will enhance the company's competitiveness and optimize its capital structure, benefiting all shareholders.

According to the announcement on the same day, the shareholder of North Automobile Blue Valley, Beijing Automobile, plans to increase its capital to North Automobile New Energy by 20 billion yuan. This means that North Automobile New Energy will receive up to 120 billion yuan in capital after the successful implementation of the two aforementioned plans. North Automobile Blue Valley's main business is the research, development, production, sales, and service of pure electric passenger cars and core components. The company is focusing on building three major brands: Jihu, Enjoy Realm, and BEIJING.


In the first half of this year, North Automobile New Energy achieved revenue of 45.27 billion yuan, with a net loss of 11.24 billion yuan. As of the end of June, the company's total assets were 291 billion yuan, and total liabilities were 227 billion yuan. The implementation of this capital increase will help improve the company's competitiveness, optimize its capital structure, and benefit all shareholders. The shareholder Beijing Automobile also plans to increase its capital to North Automobile New Energy by 20 billion yuan, meaning that North Automobile New Energy will receive a total capital of up to 120 billion yuan.

With the continuous losses in previous years, North Automobile Blue Valley has been working to enhance its businesses. This year, the company's revenue dropped by 35% in the first half, and its net loss reached 25.7 billion yuan, a record for the same period. Despite the increase in sales volume in the first eight months of this year, surpassing 52,000 vehicles, there is still a significant gap compared to leading new energy vehicle companies. North Automobile Blue Valley aims to improve its performance by optimizing its capital structure and enhancing competitiveness.

杰米·戴蒙大都会人寿保险公司光大证券浦项资产管理花旗集团韩国投资证券和田晃一良法国兴业银行T. 罗威价格基金中信证券亚洲瑞士信贷集团费城证券丰田章男软银集团弗朗西斯科·冈萨雷斯赵泰源惠理基金费城证券交易所野村投资信托桥本卓夫